
Welcome to my academic website. I am a PhD candidate at the University of Antwerp. My doctorate focuses on evaluating the impacts of eight VZW's cash transfers (more precisely, UBI pilots), implemented in Uganda, on social capital, collective action and climate change adaptation.

My research interests include - but are not limited to - social protection, UBI, labour and development economics, and climate change.

My job market paper investigates the impacts of a cash transfer program on climate adaptation, collective-level outcomes (i.e., social capital, agency and collective action) and how the latter mediate the former.

I have been a peer-reviewer for Social Policy & Administration, Social Indicators Research and the Journal of Human Capabilities and Development.

I am also an affiliate member of AIPRIL, the Antwerp Interdisciplinary Platform for Research into Inequality.


Filippo Grisolia

PhD Candidate

Institute of Development Policy (IOB)

University of Antwerp


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